Test task by our coach…

Today we had to prove our coach Arihant that we actually can do serious coding in rails.

He gave us this test task to complete :/

Description: Create a social media dashboard that lets me add different social media services to it (at least Twitter & Facebook).

  • After I login, this dashboard prominently displays the number of unread comments/likes/retweets/tweets (at our twitter handle or Fb page) since I last logged in.
  • After I click on a particular service (say on the FB div containing unread number) it should take me to the ‘detailed dashboard’ of that particular service.
  • On the Twitter dashboard, I should be able to reply, retweet and read all the tweets that mention my twitter id and any search/hashtag I added while configuring the service
  • On FB dashboard, I should be able to reply, like and read my FB page’s visitors
  • I should be able to block a user on Twitter account or delete a particular FB post which is deemed offensive on the respective service’s page
  • Show me a simple line graph of the activity on each service’s detailed page – likes, comments, retweets, replies etc.

So far, we could create sign_up , sign_in , log_in , remember me and forgot password and also tried to add some twitter widgets.

We are learning how to handle Twitter and FB api and reading their documents.

Here is the github link : https://github.com/PallaviTS/Test_task


Happy coding 🙂

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