Moving step by step..

  Our 1st PR needs little more trimming , we have sent the fine patch and the developers are reviewing it. Now we have taken up 2 more issues to fix on diaspora. So, we have started reading about ActionMailer and how to write tests in jasmine. Happy coding 🙂      

Test task by our coach…

Today we had to prove our coach Arihant that we actually can do serious coding in rails. He gave us this test task to complete Description: Create a social media dashboard that lets me add different social media services to it (at least Twitter & Facebook). After I login, this dashboard prominently displays the number of unread […]

gh-pages and jekyll..

Git-ting, seems to be clear while visualizing but always there comes an error while typing out the commands. All we wanted to do, is to create a branch named gh-pages and push our Jekyll based webpage code to it.  Failed!  Stashing and resetting always goes beyond our head.     Then tried to deploy it […]